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Mid- April Check-In

So…how is everyone doing?

I started a new day job 2 weeks ago. As a result, I’m redoing a lot of my social media plans. Certain things (Youtube/Twitch) are going to be figured out on a week by week schedule now.

Everything else should be on a regular schedule starting in May, as I will be using the rest of this month when not at the day job, hanging out with the kiddo, or making product for the upcoming shows, working on the May social media posts.

In other news, the blog part of this site is now 5 years old. I got the achievement notification last week and didn’t realize it because of how insane the last 2 weeks have been.  Isn’t the notification pretty?

If you follow me on any of the socials, I’m sure you’ve noticed that some of the posts are more cohesive when I post them on a regular basis.

I’ve discovered Canva and how useful it can be. I do promise not to go overboard with it.

I do have 3 shows between May 4 and June 2.  If you are planning on coming to any of the event, make sure to stop by my booth to say hi.
